Or rather, we're still there. C and I are still on vacation in SC. My family left yesterday morning and seem to have taken the good weather with them. It rained from noon on yesterday and just started up again. We did have a nice break at 6 at which point we went to a loggerhead sea turtle nest inventory.
This was the 4th inventory we've been to while on vacation and did not disappoint. The first two inventories came up with no turtles, the third had one turtle (and about 739 people watching it). Last night's inventory produced 23 turtles (+ one deceased turtle). The most I've ever seen at an inventory was 8 or 9 several years ago, so we were very excited. We took lots of pics which I will post once we're back to the real world. For now I'll leave you with these two photos from my iPhone.

You can tell, the effort to keep the mob of little turtles in line and moving toward the ocean was quite something!
For now we're off to do what we normally don't do on vacation, head to the outlet malls (or some other mall) as the beach and pool are out of the question.
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