Friday, April 30, 2010

Fashion Friday: Fashion Faux Pas

There are two times you should use camouflage.

For huntin' and for fightin'.

There are many, many times you should not use or wear camouflage.

Such as..

On your wedding day.

On your baby, on your wedding day, as your veil.

On your baby's bed.

On your dog's toys. 
Not only is it ugly, but the poor dog can't locate the toy when outside.

On your wall. 

On your non-military issued car. 
I doubt this will come in handy in the desert.

I'm finding way too many examples of when to not wear camo. 
 My rule is only for huntin' and fightin.  
Otherwise camo has no place in your life, your family's life, your house, or your yard.

Note: These pictures are the least favorite I have ever posted.  They are burning my eyes.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

what will they think of next?

Ina won't be happy with me after this post.  Let's face it, she probably wasn't thrilled with me after my previous post

My Other Mother brought me an ingredient to aid in my Caprese Lasagna recipe putting me one step closer to making it and one step further away from an invitation to join Ina in the Hamptons.

What will they think of next? 

UPDATE:  Apparently I am the last to hear about this and it has be around for quite a while.

UPDATE #2:  I made the Caprese Lasagna last night and despite my qualms, C scarfed down an entire piece. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Caprese Lasagna

My Other Mother suggested this recipe a while back, but unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to make it.  Then this past weekend my mom asked me to post it so she could try.  I'm sure it's delish.

Rachael Ray's Caprese Lasagna

What you'll need:
2 Tbs. butter
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped or grated
2 Tbs. flour
2 cups milk
a few grates of freshly ground nutmeg (let's be realistic we're all going to use pre-ground)
salt and pepper
1 box oven-ready lasagna noodles
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
about 30 leaves of basil, chopped (I'm thinking dried basil is not an option)
4 Roma tomatoes, thinly sliced

What you do:

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees.  (Does anyone know how to get the degrees symbol on a mac?)

Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat.  Add garlic to the pan and cook until aromatic (isn't garlic always aromatic?), roughly 1 minute. Sprinkle in flour and cook for another minute.  Then whisk in the milk and bring to a boil.  Add nutmeg and salt and pepper.  Simmer until thickened, 3-4 minutes.

Now it's time to build the lasagna.  Grab a 9x13" baking dish.  Ladle roughly 1/4 cup of the sauce into the bottom of the dish.  Then layer 3 noodles over the sauce.  Top noodles with 1/3 of the sliced tomatoes, 1/3 of the basil, 1/4 cup of the sauce, and 1/3 of the cheese.  Repeat until you've used up all the ingredients (or you run out of room in your baking dish), topping with a final layer of sauce and cheese.

Cover the pan with foil and bake for 30 minutes.  Remove the foil and bake for another 15 minutes until the cheese is melted and the sauce is bubbly.  When ready to serve top with remaining basil (so you probably shouldn't use it all in the layering).

The End (of the recipe).

My mouth is now watering from typing all of this out.  I'm going to have to try this sooner rather than later.

Monday, April 26, 2010

a LeBron and NASCAR post

is is most likely be the only time I ever post a NASCAR video (or maybe not, you never know), but I wanted to show everyone what I was referring to in last night's post.  I'll redeem myself by following up with LeBron's shot.

And my redemption. I hope.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

weekend rewind

I originally planned on sitting this weekend out.  C had to work all weekend (something I never enjoy, but that's the reality of being a lawyer) so I planned on staying home cleaning and doing laundry.  But as it turns out whenever I plan to stay home to "clean and do laundry" I always find something better to do.  This weekend was no exception.

Friday evening was actually planned for several weeks.  C, Mark and I went on the lovely Chocolate Walk hosted by the many lovely businesses in downtown Lancaster and organized by Main Street Lancaster.  Living smack dab downtown, we have a vested interest in the well being of "Main Street Lancaster".  Anywho, for $10 a piece you got a goody bag to take to the 30+ businesses participating and recieved something chocolate.  I'm not talking about a Tootsie Roll here, I'm talking about chocolate dipped strawberries, chocolate wine (not too bad), loaded brownies, and chocolate fountains (to use, not to keep).  We were also able to order a little something for our (hopefully) soon to arrive nephew.  I ate more than my share of chocolate Friday night but fortunately the weight gained was lost on Saturday (see below).  After the Chocolate Walk we ate at Fiesta Mexicana (now a tradition).  I actually enjoyed my dinner which means I'm not due for another trip to a Mexican restaurant for several months (or the Chocolate Walk next year).

Saturday morning C and I went to breakfast at Waffle House before he set off to Bexley and I set off to the store.  I was a little disappointed we didn't run into Evan Turner and Jon Diebler there, but since they had just gone a few hours earlier, I wasn't really expecting to run into them either.  Except I didn't get to the store.  My mom called to see if I'd let the dogs out while she was at Mark's baseball game.  I took that as an invitation to go with her (I think someone else let the dogs out).

But before going, we went over to St. B's (I'm talking like an authentic Catholic now) to donate blood for my Other Mother's blood drive.  I'd donated once when I was in Chicago so I didn't have any worries.  My mom on the other hand had a bad experience 14 years ago and has been sending my dad in her place ever since.  Well, dad wasn't available Saturday so she had to go in place of him going in place of her.  While some donate blood to save lives, I had heard that there was free food and cupcakes which is what really got me there (there was one other perk, but I'll get to that in a sec).  I made it through the questions, iron test, blood pressure,  temperature and pulse check with flying colors.  I'm pretty sure my stats could have been used as an example for other prime donor candidates.  I was then taken to the elevated pool bench to start donating.  Meanwhile my mom was still in the questioning booth (odd, because she went in before I did).  Once I got all set up and my blood started flowing out of my body and into the pint sized bag (to me it looks bigger than a pint, I'd like to see if a pint of beer really fills that whole bag up) I saw my mom stand up with a huge smile on her face and walk in the opposite direction of the donation station. Turns out she failed the iron test.  Saved by the ice tea.  I really think she paid them off.

Meanwhile I was busying saving lives so I could get my sloppy joe and cupcake.

For a minute there I ran out of blood causing the flow to stop.  But don't worry, they made sure to get an entire pint out of me.

Now we're moving again.

A couple of times the Red Cross staff asked if I was feeling ok while looking at me very concerned.  I honestly felt fine, but by asking the question I thought maybe I didn't feel ok.  I'm thinking it was just my general appearance.

Oh, I forgot the mention the other perk of donating (aside from the great food and saving 3 lives).  It turns out you lose 1 pound when you donate a pint.  I'm going to be donating every 56 days from now on.  Ok, realistically my goal is 4 times a year.  I think that would make my Other Mother proud.

Anyway, we made it out of St. B's, me having saved 3 lives and my mom having had to have her finger pricked twice (I'm told she's feeling fine today) and headed up to Mark's game.  He had a great first game going 3 for 4 and sat out the 2nd game until coming in to close in the 7th inning.  He struck out the first two batters and got the last out with a grounder that came back to him at the mound.  All in all he did very well.

I even managed to get an action shot.

Then we headed to Johnny Buccelli's for dinner.  It appeared that the strip mall behind Johnny B's was a hodgepodge of ethnic food.  From a Mexican grocery to a Korean restaurant to an Indian grocery and catering business.  That last one brought back some not so great Indian food memories.

I did go in to see if they had tapioca chips.  The poor guys had no idea what I was talking about.  Apparently northern India and southern India have totally different snack foods.  I passed on the "Faka Taka" alternative they offered me and joined the fam and Johnny B's.

We then headed home with a quick stop at Kohl's (shoes for mom) and Meijers (much need groceries for us).

Today (Sunday) I got to work in the nursery at church.  By the way, our church has some of the cutest kids ever.  Dad, Mark, and I had every intention of going to the Clippers game.  After church Mark and I hurried home to change before going back to pick up dad from a meeting.  Unfortunately on the way up it started to rain like crazy.  Instead we headed to Skyline Chili before returning home for naps.  After our afternoon siestas we watched some great basketball, amazing NASCAR finish thanks to super cool strategy, and some less than stellar baseball.  Lebron did not disappoint with the Cavs, Kevin Harvick did an awesome fishtail move after riding the other guy's bumper for 1.5 laps, and the Indians stunk up the West Coast.  But seriously, make sure to watch Sports Center tonight for the highlights from the first two events.  Lebron had some awesome shots, including a half court, nothing but net, buzzer beater to end the 3rd quarter.  The best part? He made it look like it's something he does every game.

I'm now back home finally working on cleaning and laundry.  Really only laundry.  I finally found my camera cord (I think, I haven't actually hooked it up to see if it is the right one) so I'll probably spend the rest of the evening uploading and "editing" pictures from the last month.

I also have a recipe to post this week.  I haven't tried it yet, but will take my Other Mother's word that it is divine.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fashion Friday: Accessories Edition

My tweet for Fashion Friday suggestions resulted in one response, from my sister, which is actually a Fashion Faux Pas.  Since last week was a not so Fashion Friday, I thought I'd talk about something that is actually fashionable (or at least I think so) and do the faux pas next week.

I've recently decided to expand my accessories collection.  It's something I worked on this winter, but didn't come full circle with.  My current earrings, bracelets, necklace collection is sort of lacking and my accessory rings collection is non-existent.

So I thought I'd share some of my favorite finger accessories with you.

I'm slowly coming into the gold trend.  Both Anthropologie and J. Crew have gold rings I could potentially see myself wearing.  But I think I'd lean towards J. Crew's sea urchin. But then again, I had a nasty run in with a sea urchin on our honeymoon.

One another gold and colorful note, I'm loving this Juicy ring from Nordstrom.  What outfits couldn't you wear this with?

And speaking of flower power, this one is a bit more subdued.  At least in terms of color.

I checked fossil out and wavered on these cuties.  In the end I just couldn't bring myself to post a pic of them because I'm just not sold.  It's a big decision you know, what to put on your blog.  I'm thinking it may just be my love of sea turtles talking.  Oh, and I also found matching rings for my watch.  Perfect!! (I couldn't find a link for my watch, but since the rings are a perfect match you can imagine what it looks like, or just look at my wrist next time you see me.)

All these rings are well and good, but there is the ultimate fashion ring.  One that I hope to someday add to my "collection".  A collection that currently includes an engagement ring and wedding band.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

i. love. spring. (and summer)

I also love our a-p-t.

However, I would love our a-p-t more if it allowed us to enjoy spring (and summer) by providing outdoors space where we can read and grill and just chill and watch accidents/responding emergency vehicles from. 

But all we have is a fire escape that does not allow grilling and contains a smoker smell thanks to The Rug patrons (and our neighbors who live below us).  I am also afraid to use the fire escape because it's made of wood and is as old as the building (born in 1915).  Seriously, sometimes I walk outside and see wood chips from above that have fallen on our doorstep.  Don't worry though, should it ever collapse while I am on the fire escape I plan on jumping into one of the doorframes along the way (much like a person with super powers).

I would also love our a-p-t as much as you can love a place if we were allowed to have a puppy (which we would keep when she grew up into a dog - I would not get rid of it once it stopped being a puppy). 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The season finale of one of my favorite shows, 16 & Pregnant, is starting is a few short minutes. Feel free to follow my tweetathon.

Also providing some insight are binkylu, christineguenth, and edavidson5.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday "Best"

Celebrity Baby Scoop has posted this picture of Mrs. Stefani in her Sunday "Best".

May I be the first to object?

(But Mr. Rossdale, I do love your uber cute outfit.)

Friday, April 16, 2010

a not so fashion friday

As I sat down to write this Thursday night early Friday morning I had a problem figuring out what to focus on.  Bags? Skirts? Bathing Suits? One brand in particular?

Then it hit me.

I can't focus on fashion because I am currently a fashion disaster.

While I may have worn my favorite (and only - Birthday gift idea, C!) Lilly Pulitzer dress today, I definitely managed to make myself look homely when I changed out of my preppy clothes.

I am currently sporting:
- Two headbands (one tan, one black) that I found while cleaning.  It was easier to put them on my head then walk them to the bathroom.
- A chalk blue DeBordieu t-shirt of C's.
- Mark's blue FCA hoodie (with red writing).
- Bright green Victoria's Secret PINK pants (Christmas gift from C).
- Two mismatched black Christmas socks.  One has candy canes, the other snowmen.
- Brown moccasin slippers.

Let's recap the colors I've got going on...
Black, Tan, Chalk Blue, Navy Blue, Red, Bright Green, Black (Again), and Brown.

Thus I do not feel that I am worthy of writing a Fashion Friday post.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Somehow, for the most part, day in and day out, missing a few days here and there, I have managed to keep this blog going. And for the most part I have managed not to post the same thing twice. I think it's my gift of babble. Or maybe it's the fact that I like to see my own posts hit on the internets.

Or maybe the blog is still alive because it helps me procrastinate (even more than normal) from doing things that really mater.

Such as:
- I cannot remember the last time I made a homemade meal for C.  I'm pretty sure it's been weeks. Maybe even a month.

- Laundry is piling up like crazy, because there are a million other things I'd rather do than do laundry. And I'd rather have C ask, day in and day out, if he has a clean white shirt instead of running a load of whites two times a week (I think he has enough to get him through more than a week).

- The a-p-t needs cleaned like crazy, especially since C's dad will be staying with us this weekend. (I don't clean just for the two of us).

- There are a hundred little things that need organized in our a-p-t.  Closets to clean out, Halloween decorations to put away (they haven't been displayed since October, they were taken down, just thrown gently placed - they are glass - in the office), and magazines to sort through (I cannot bring myself to throw any food magazines away, despite the fact that I don't regularly cook).

- I also need to get back into my Y routine.  I was well on track (and even ready for am workouts) before my life was so rudely interrupted by the stone.

But now that I think about it, I don't think the blog is stopping me from doing anything more than before.  I always put this stuff off even before the birth of the blog.  In college I would wait till the last possible minute to write a 10 page paper.  It's how I work best.  I can't get something done unless I know it needs done right this very instant.

Thus I'm going to go with by gift of babble being the reason why this sucker is still alive and kicking slowly moving along.  After all, I've managed to post several posts, like this one, that the world would probably be a better place without.  Or at the very least a cleaner place.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not Funneeeeee

I'm going to apologize for not posting a Wordless Wednesday.  I can't find my camera cord.  It was returned to me from Chicago the weekend I had a kidney stone, but I forgot to get it from my brother because I had more important things to do (like stay highly medicated and pray 24/7 that the grapenut causing SO much pain would "pass").  I did take some awesome pictures at Mark's baseball game over the weekend, but they'll just have to wait. 

This morning we C was listening to the POTUS channel on XM radio. Something about Southwest Airlines was mentioned. I can't remember what it was because I wasn't really listening. Anywho, after they mentioned Southwest C said, "Did you hear they are merging with Delta?" He then proceeded to tell me they would be an economy line of Delta and would be called "Delta: Southwest".

I had a little bit of a freak out (I love Southwest) and started bombarding him with questions like, "Will bags still fly free?" and "Who are we going to fly?"
Don't worry folks, bags will still fly free and Southwest will remain their own entity.

I've mentioned this funny little video before and it came to mind this morning when C thought he'd test my gullibility. I used to be super gullible.  In college C would get me to believe something that wasn't true about once a week.  Then I smartened up.  But now, I've seemed to let my guard down.

After this 2 minute ordeal this morning I felt like yelling "Not Funneeeeeee!"

Don't worry folks, the guard is back up!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

not. a. good. look.

Someone needs to tell this gal that her Matrix days are over. 

And the kids' outfits? Stripes and plaid? Are you kidding me?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekend Rewind: Tweets Edition

I thought I'd change things up a bit and give my weekend rewind using only my tweets from the weekend. If you enjoy this so much that you decide to sign up for twitter just to follow me, my tweet name (or whatever it is called) is radiantone7.  Enjoy!

1:00 p.m. - Stuck

11:09 p.m. - RT: JeffBoals Congrats to @thekidet for winning the Wooden award!!! Sweeping all the POY awards.  Not sure when the last time that's happened.

8:19 a.m. - I had a dream that I stole a care (a white Honda Odyssey). Drove from Walgreens to Krogers. Woke up glad that I didn't have to turn myself in.

8:31 a.m. - I have a strong desire to go to California but I'm headed to Thornville instead.

10:14 a.m. - Great day for a baseball game (or 2).

10:32 a.m. - I'll be providing the color commentary while @revjack56 provides the play by play.

10:40 a.m. - Thornville is a  bit behind w the music times.  24 years to be precise.  Been playing old school Van Halen.

10:53 a.m. - Last song just repeated "SOB" over and over.  Pretty sure FCA players were required to cover their ears.

10:59 a.m. - Sheridan has practice jerseys AND real jerseys.  That right there says how good they are.

11:09 a.m. - FCA has the early lead.  Up 1-0. I attribute it to having had a hearty breakfast w a McDonalds Frappe. I know @mdavidson24 did.

11:27 a.m. - The inside scoop: one of the Sheridan players just farted.

11:51 a.m. - Too bad C isn't here.  He'd love all the coaching from the peanut gallery.

12:30 p.m. - Glad to see my legacy lives on.  Just told by an FCA (parent) that they didn't realize there were two Davidsons before Drew.

12:30 p.m. - Actually they didn't realize there were ANY Davidsons before Drew.

12:34 p.m. - I'm starting a sunflower farm.

12:36 p.m. - I'd like to think you burn as many calories opening sunflower seems as you (do) consuming them.

12:41 p.m. - Ended game 1 w another playing of the national anthem. Play Ball!! (in 20 minutes).

1:15 p.m. - There are eight Wendy's logos on their straw wrappers.

1:46 p.m - I. Love. Baseball.

1:48 p.m. - @mdavidson24 is consuming a lot of Gatorade.  May have to stop several times or bathrom breaks on the way home.

2:08 p.m. - I think this is what it would be like to play in Iowa. Minus the hills.

2:48 p.m. - The 2nd game as turned into batting practice or Sheridan.

2:49 p.m. - Today has made me want to live in a small town or no town at all.

3:04 p.m. - Sheridan players raking the ield.  Since they are farm boys it's in their blood.

3:07 p.m. - They are also sweeping their dugout.  These boys are keepers.

3:11 p.m. - The team's post game meeting is taking as long as te game.  Meanwhile Sheridan's are already home and showered.

4:41 p.m. - I've decided to turn this w/e's tweets into my weekend rewind.  I have also decided to cut back on my tweets for the we as there are a lo.

5:38 p.m. - C C Sabathia has a No-No through 7...

8:18 p.m. - At game 4 or the weekend.  Go Clippers!!

8:23 p.m. - Sitting net to some great hecklers.

10:16 p.m. - No tweet service for me tonight at Huntington Park.  Game was a blast and hecklers were best ever.  Go #brandonmoss!!

10:44 p.m. - Good nigt my tweet peeps.  I'm signing off.

11:12 p.m. - Rec'd new FMC Monitor today. A bit upset my ER run last month wasn't mentioned.  I was a stellar patient.

3:28 p.m. - One game wo hr came yesterday w Davidsons in attendance RT @tribeinsider Carlos Santana hit his 4th HR in as many games today

6:49 p.m. - Congrats on the win, Phil!!

7:54 p.m. - Ending the weekend w some more baseball.

9:03 p.m. - The humans are getting ice cream.  Katie got a timbit.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Food Network Junkie

I am a self professed Food Network junkie. I’ll watch almost anything they air. My favorites are 30 Minute Meals and everything else Rachael hosts, Everyday Italian, Paula Deen’s many shows, Diners Drive-ins and Dives, Throw Down, Iron Chef, and pretty much almost anything else. The only two I can’t stand to watch are 5 Ingredient Fix (can’t stand her raspy voice) and Semi-Homemade (can’t stand Sandra Lee one bit).

That being said there is one show that I do love to watch, but annoys me to no end at the same time. I have a love hate relationship with Ina Garten. I like to think of her as Food Network’s resident Food Snob.

Here’s a sample of what drives me nuts about Ina:

- Ina recently said to always use farm stand tomatoes. No others will do. The ones from your market might as well be fed to the servants. Ina, dear, we don’t have markets here in Lancaster let alone farm stands. We also do not have lovely ladies who will weekly put a large basket of fresh fruit and veggies together for what I’m guessing cost at least $100 a basket.

- Ina also frequently uses saffron in her recipes. Because, you know, we middle class can afford to purchase saffron and use it daily. I’m not sure we have saffron in Lancaster, either.

- Truffle Butter is also a must for Ms. Garten. Who does she think is watching her show? I’m pretty sure it’s not the people who actually consume truffle butter and saffron. Those folks have full time cooks to use the ingredients for them.

- My biggest beef with Ina is that she expects me to always use homemade chicken stock. If I don’t I’m not worthy of making her recipes. Even if I wanted to and had 6 hours to make my own stock, I can’t for several reasons. First, I don’t have a pot large enough. Second, I can’t bring myself to purchase three chickens to use for stock and then freeze the remnants, which I don’t have room for in my freezer. That brings me to my third point, Ina says she just freezes her chicken stock until she needs it. Since I don’t have room for the chicken remnants I most certainly don’t have room for quarts upon quarts of chicken stock (which I wouldn’t even use that often) nor do I have the storage devices needed to store all that stock. Sorry Ina, but I will continue to purchase the boxed stock at Meijer’s. Rachael Ray says they're great!

This list is just the tip of the iceberg. Every episode Ina has some new requirement that just isn’t going to work for me or really anyone else watching who doesn’t live in the Hamptons.

But then there are times when Ina will say something that comes right of out left field. I was shocked to learn she didn’t require gourmet or homemade ketchup for a recipe, but that bottled ketchup is just fine. It took me an hour to pull myself off the floor when she told the audience it was perfectly acceptable and then preceded to pop the top and squirt a few squirts of store bought ketchup into her recipe.

While I'm at it, I love how Ina’s Barefoot Contessa show had to go “back to basics” because her recipes were to frilly. Even with the “basic” elements her recipes are still much harder than the recipes I have in my Crock Pot and Betty Crocker Cookbooks.  I have a feeling Ina will not be asked to contribute to the Kraft Foods recipes any time soon.

I also love how Ina always hops in one of her two Mercedes (a convertible for the summer months a regular sedan for the winter months) to run all of her errands. I’m pretty sure if she knew our annual income she would ask that I refrain from watching her show in the first place. We can’t afford two new Mercedes like Mrs. Garten, let alone all her ingredients. We’re driving a used Honda Accord Coupe (our nice card) and a used 1996 Volvo (our tank) whose FM radio stopped working 3 years ago (although said FM radio occasionally resurrects itself from the dead for a few days before dying again), whose air conditioner cut out 2.5 years ago, and whose odometer bit the dust last year. But don’t worry the “Warning! It’s cold enough to have the roads freeze” indicator light still works.

I may not be able to make my own stock or tell how many miles my car has on it, but I do know when the weather conditions are just right to produce slick roads.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

smells like macaroni

These trees are all over town.  When C and I go on our walks I'll notice quite frequently that I smell macaroni.  Whenever I smell macaroni, theses trees seem to be around.  I'm thinking they are the culprits. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

beach reads

About this time every year, when the trees start to blossom and I can wear skirts to work again (without hose), I begin to compile my summer reading list. I'm planning on kicking off my summer reading with this highly anticipated (at least for me) book being release right before we head to Pipestone (the one in Minnesota, not Michigan) for Baby Olson 2.O's baptism. Guess what I'll be reading on the plane and when I can't peruse the internets because I don't have cell service? I cannot wait for Jen’s new book. C say’s I get giddy when I talk about it. And, yes, Jen and I are on a first name basis, she just doesn’t know it yet. Maybe I’ll stop by and see her when I’m in chi-town in June for Lora’s bachelorette party.

Speaking of Jen, I’m planning on taking a serious look at the books she’s looking forward to this summer “new books coming out this summer from Jane Green, Emily Giffin, Lauren Weisberger, Beth Harbison, Jen Weiner, and Allison Winn Scotch...”. If I like her writing so much then I’m beginning to think I should trust her reading judgment as well.

Another book I recently discovered comes out the day before we hit the beach. And I think with my recent desire to revamp my wardrobe from blah-ness into wow-ness this is a must read. True Prep: It’s a Whole New World is the sequel to The Official Preppy Handbook (a book I have flipped through before). This should be a great way to jump start my fall wardrobe search. (C will be thrilled.)

Any summer read suggestions from the bloggy world?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

tuesday musings

Good Morning! I should be cutting my finger nails prior to heading to work this morning but I elected to blog instead. So now my blog trumps my hygiene.  Great. Charles here: Mrs. Elsea has, against her better judgment, allowed me to interject in the middle of her own blog post. Put simply, she wrote this post, and now, after the fact, I'm adding my two, four, or twenty-six billion cents of wisdom (read: making fun of what she wrote). 

I wanted C to post about the game yesterday but he couldn't get his words all lined up so he didn't (translation: my hygiene still ranks a few spots ahead of  I'll try to give you a quick recap this morning.

This post will sorta be like a "stream of consciousness post" (good - business as usual at the Elsea house...).  The consciousness part really just means "I'm conscious and that's about it, hence the babbling." (yup)  Let's get started shall we?

Yesterday was great.  Baseball is back!  Despite having to go to Cincinnati for the game (I have a rational hatred towards the city, C calls it irrational) it was nice to see the Cards pretty much dominate the day, while my men were allowing the best defensive play of the year.  We saw 3 home runs (one of which was a grand slam) and a pretty nice catch by Mr. Center Fielder.

Or, put another way...thank you sweet jesus baseball is back! Like apple pie, Mother's Day, and Joel Osteen's teeth, America is just a little less bright without  it (also contributing: winter). I for one was just glad that those men were back in uniform playing that silly game in front me; as gravy on top were the beautiful weather, the excellent company (I complain, but I like Mrs. Elsea a lot), aaaaannnnnddddddd........

Other notes from yesterday: I saw two (other) Indians jerseys. Ha! Just thought I wasn't going to finish, didn't you? Weather, company, and Albert Pujols all managed to make the day extra special. In case you haven't heard of him, Albert Pujols (technical name: Alberton Pujolitor, Model 3.22j) is a robot originally constructed by the Skunk Works for the Defense Department as an advanced-bioweapons system whose sole purpose was to protect forward-based infantry units from short- and mid-range shelling. The idea was to equip Pujolitor with a heavily-armored sledgehammer-like device, which, in conjunction with his sophisticated sensory and radar systems, hypersensitive peripheral appendages' reaction time, and real-time functional logrithmic analytical systems that could instantly predict the incoming trajectory of any object at any speed down to thousandths of millimeters, would be used to bat away hostile fire. Needless to say, Pujolitor, from Models 1.0 to 3.22i, was so accurate and so powerful, that the single time he was used in real combat, the concussion wave caused by the impact caused an island to become displaced from time (note: various theories regarding that incident have been put forward, but none as compelling as the Alberton Collision). To make a long story short, Pujolitor was decommissioned by the U.S. Army and subsequently purchased by the St. Louis Cardinals, who now use him as their first baseman. He hit two home runs. One was very, very long. 

 It took Mr. Dippin' Dots way to long to get to my section.  There is no cell service in Great American ball park (true story: Rachel and I got separated for 30 minutes, the whole time being within 100 feet of each other, both with iPhones, and neither unable to communicate with the other).  There were some scoreboard malfunctions (literally missing someone in the lineup, no count displayed, etc). I got a nice little sun burn that should turn into a very fashionable farmers tan.  It bothers me greatly that Cincinnati couldn't finish their stadium and left a gaping hole in the upper deck seats. "And I don't mind saying it every time we go to a Reds game! As loud as I can, I announce my disapproval of this stadium and, well, pretty much all of Cincinnati, which should know that it is all so stinky and stupid that all Cincinnatas should just give up and move!" **Charles buries his head in his hands....**

Our seats were pretty good. C spares no expense when his boys are in town. Damn straight. 

I saw this sign yesterday.  It took me 10 minutes and a call to my mom to realize it was not misspelled after all...

We also made a stop at the outlet malls on the way home.  I found a khaki suit.  The pants are super long. And super expen....never mind. They're super long. 

I've only allotted 15 minutes for blogging this am so I must be going.  Please do not laugh at what little I was able to write in 15 minutes. In all seriousness, I love the blog. I read it at least three times a day, even though I know it hasn't been updated. 

I'm going to have Easter candy for breakfast.

I'm off to walk to work in this glorious weather.  Oh, and my aunt and uncle are coming today!  I'm very excited to see them!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekend Rewind

Technically our weekend isn't over yet and won't be until tomorrow, but I thought I'd just rewind the regular weekend this evening.  It was very busy and eventful.

For starters I am loving this weather. Friday was in the 80s which meant I could wear a skirt.  C and I only had to work half days so I headed up to Easton with my mom and sibs while he went to lunch with his BFF.  I had every intention of having my mom and sister help me pick out some outfits to spend my LOFT gift card on, but I realized on the way up that I forgot it at home.   So instead I was left with trying on outfits and putting them on hold till Saturday.  After returning from Easton we went to church (C's favorite service, mine's Easter) and followed that up with dinner and a movie (Adventureland).

Saturday started bright and early with setting up for the Youth Group Easter Breakfast.  Did I tell you I am the new Youth Group leader? No?  We'll, I am.  And we had to set up for it.  Then we arranged the Easter lilies.  C is very specific in arranging these types of things.  Since I thought we should go with a cross design (C suggested a script "J" or "!") it took even longer than just arranging them in two groups.  After the cross was finally in place, we headed to Easton, gift card in hand, to purchase my new wardrobe and pick up a gift at Crate and Barrel.  I got some great deals on my LOFT outfits.  Managed to save $90 (everything was 25% off plus I signed up for the store credit card, which I didn't have to sue, and got an additional 25% off). Score!  We lunched at Cosi (love their signature salad) and C checked out the new iPad before we headed back home.  Once we returned home we took a long walk to Dairy Queen (1+ mile) and had a super late dinner.  I also made cookies and squash casserole and cooked sausages for Sunday.  I should also mention that I managed to burn my hand with the sausage grease.  Instead of evening out my hand scars and putting it on my left hand, I managed to just add a potential scar to my right hand which is already home to a oven burn scar and Meijer self check out machine scrape scar.

Today (Sunday) we woke up super duper early (6:15 - that's super duper early for us) and headed to church to get the Easter Breakfast going.  Church was great (as it always is) and our handbell choir preformed.  After church we had a huge, yumm-o lunch at my parents house.  I was able to take a nap outside (still lovely weather) before we headed home.  Oh, and the Easter Bunny, myself, and someone who attended our wedding and gave us a Macy's gift card got me my long awaited newest kitchen accessory.

I love it and can't wait to use it (but won't until my dishwasher is fixed, which should hopefully be this week.  After we returned home we took a nice walk to Super America (what walk to a gas station isn't pleasant?) for a Coke slushy (C's a fan).  We ended the day by watching the start of the baseball season.  We also had a yumm-o dinner of raman noodles.  Talk about going from one meal extreme to the other.  

Oh, I also discovered two birds, Fred and Lily, have decided to build a nest and raise their out of wedlock family outside our back door.  They haven't gotten far yet, just a few twigs up over the window and lots of twigs scattered on the ground. I'd post pictures but I still haven't remembered to get my camera cord from my parents' house (it's been there for about a month). I'm looking forward to watching the build and eventually raise their little bird family. 

As I said earlier, our weekend isn't over yet.  Tomorrow we're headed to Cinci (yuck) for the Reds v. Cardinals opening day game.  

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend!