Believe it or not I read. Shocker, I know. But no worries, I don't read anything heavy. Promise.
In the summer, when I spend lots of time outside (and no shows have new episodes). I go through a book or two or three (if I'm on a roll) a week.
Last night I added a new tab to the top of the blog. It's called "Reading."
Here I'll do my best to list what I have read thus far. I'm also going to go back and list some of what I have read (and really enjoyed) prior to this summer. As I said before, I do not read anything heavy, just light (non-raunchy) beach reads which typically take place outside of the US (the UK and France, really). This summer C wants me to read something he picks out for me and in return he'll read something I pick out for him. I'm thinking "Something Blue." Kidding. I wouldn't even read that.
All that to say, check out the "Reading" tab. Unless you like reading history or old stuff. Then you'll probably won't enjoy my suggestions. But kudos to you for learning while you read. I just prefer to not learn when I read. Which is probably why I am not the best grammarist in the world.
Please don't judge me.
Please tell Charles that there is hope that you might venture out of your current library shelving area. I didn't start reading full steam ahead until my early 30's and since that time have read my way through much of the FCDL library basement (that's where they keep the "true stories" Rachel). Perhaps one day you will realize that your head is as full of fluff as it can be, that your days are numbered, and that you'll only spend brain activity on "true stories" or the occasional superb fiction. I'm currently co-reading three books: one on raising a schizophrenic child; Joyce Carol Oates recent book on widowhood, and finally, a great read by the Monks of Skete "Raising a Puppy". Can I have a "Reading" button on your blog?
I won't judge you, Rachel, but I'm casting my vote for a Luann reading button.
BTW, I'm currently reading "Decision Points" by George Bush and "Bad Trick" co-authored by my cousin Jeanette White in 2001 (I've had her book all these years and didn't open it until the other day. Shame on me.) Anywho, it's about a serial killer in the Spokane area. He limited his murders to prostitutes (hence, Bad Trick).
Just to play devil's advocate... I'd like to personally thank you, Rachel, for introducing me to Jen Lancaster and other authors like her and for greatly enhancing my reading experience!
I'm putting a shout out here for "Zippy" by Haven Kimmel. It's a super fun read (along with it's companion piece "She got up off the couch" (or something like that).
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