(We have Time Warner to thank for today's post because our internet went out Wednesday night thus not allowing me to prepare a post for Thursday morning. I cannot wait for the day when we get to call Time Warner and cancel all of our services - right now they are the only option we have and I choose going with them over no t.v. or internet.)
Wednesday night I went to Riley Roo's graduation from basic training in Columbus with my mom and Mark. We had one goal... get Riley graduated.
Each dog went through some basic skills and was graded on those skills (sit, stay, follow, run fast, run slow, etc).

Then there was the sit and stay (for a long period of time) and the down and stay (for another long period of time). Each dog was given points based on how long they could stay in each position. Riley didn't do so well on the down command thanks to the unruly dog next to her.
Once the last two commands were finished the leader tallied up the scores and announced the winners (1st through 4th places and Most Improved).
Maggie (the Saint Bernard) got Most Improved, Ginger, the multi-colored dog in the back, felt she deserved it. We agreed.
Riley (and Mark) won 3rd place! (Obviously the lady didn't see Riley standing up for the majority of the down command.)
We are so proud of both of them!
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