Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Beach (by the numbers)

10 - Glorious days spent in the sand

8 - Days it took Monkey to jump into the pool (to my arms) sans floaty

12 - Golf cart rides taken

1 - Personalized monogrammed necklace purchased (a post in and of itself)

329 - Pictures taken that need uploaded from the camera to the computer

3 - Days it took Monkey to warm up to the ocean

0 - Other people at the beach

47 - Sea shells found by Monkey

8 - Alligator sightings

6.5 - Paige Toon books read

4.5 - Paige Toon books purchased for my nook because you can't find the paperbacks in the US

4 - Delicious Meals out (Fig, Frank's Outback, Quigleys, Creek Ratz)

1 - Newly acquired pregnancy related shellfish

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