Wednesday, September 16, 2015

This is why she still needs a bed rail.

Let's just get the torn up wall (I like to think of it as an "English cottage" look), mismatched sheets, and mismatched jammies out of the way and focus on the girl on (really almoat off) the bed. 

(We're too busy working, raising kids, and watching Don't Be Tardy - ok, that last one is just me - to finish our bedroom. Good news is that this is the only room that looks like this.)

She started at the head dent on the pillow in the lower right hand corner and ended up way up there with her arm and leg hanging off. I'm praying she doesn't fall out while I'm feeding GMac. 

Again, we don't do co-sleeping as we like our sleep too much, she's sharing a room with GMac this week and he happens to everyone teething so we're not putting her in there until he eats his last bottle. 

Rachel - out. 

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