Sunday, October 18, 2015

I'm not sure why they are still allowing me to teach Sunday School.

I believe I've told you that I'm Monkey's Sunday School teacher (yes, I did quit the elementary ed program in college but no one here seems to care). 

You know what's nice about having your child as your only pupil?  No prep. Just wing it on Sunday. 

Back to Sunday School. 

Today's lesson was Joseph Feeds Egypt. 

The closing prayer was the following:

Me: When I need.... Monkey, what is something that you need? 

Monkey: Frozen. 

Me: When I need Frozen. 

Monkey: You care for me! 

And now McDonalds is open! 

Ronald is missing a foot. Poor guy. His restaurant chain is seriously floundering and now he's missing a foot. 

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