Monday, April 24, 2017

I think we're almost functional around here

I may be speaking too soon (as I'm writing this on Sunday and it'll post Monday morning), but I think the Elsea parents are almost functional.  The kids have been functional (but not 100%) for a few days, but C and I have been struggling to keep one foot in front of the other with what seems to be the worst cold ever. I even broke down and went to the Minute Clinic on Thursday where the Nurse Practitioner actually remembered me from my St. Mary's days.  I was so excited I wanted to go give her a hug. This is huge considering the only other time I've been recognized by someone from St. Ms was when I went to the White Cottage after being home bound for a week due to a kidney stone and cold and this was despite the fact that I had been in the White Cottage several times before (looking much better). I was recognized at my worst.

Enough of this sickness. Let's talk about our weekend.

C got home from his retreat on Friday not feeling the bestest so we ordered pizza and he and Monkey went to get coke slushies (last week was not a good week for not drinking coke).  While there she got a gnarly gash on her head. No stitches were needed and she was coherent, just a cut in the wrong place which resulted in a lot of blood.  After the kids were in bed we finished The Crown and after C was in bed I watched some Great British Baking Show (I'm mad at Pillsbury for having the rights to "bake-off" and thus the show needing to change it's name. I'm also mad because I think Diana should have left the show because she sabotaged the guy by taking his ice cream out AND I don't think Nancy was the best. Go Richard or Luis or Chetna).

Monkey thinks Chetna looks just like Grandma Elsea.

Back to our weekend.

The kids and I headed to Columbus with Mom to meet Emily on Saturday because C needed to work all day (which didn't happen since he was very under the weather).

Our first stop was Build A Bear (a spur of the moment/morning idea).

Monkey is the proud mother of Suzie and Mac is the proud father of Roar.

This was my attempt at a group shot. 

After lunch we went to the Lego store where I got myself a "C is going/supposed to be working all weekend and week" treat.

You wouldn't know it from this picture, but Monkey is the one that wanted their picture taken by the Lego Friends. 

Then we took escalator rides at Macy's. The fun didn't stop there. We had lunch at Kona were the kids got to use chopsticks for the first time.

After we got home we had naps and ran to Kroger for some meds. There was a squad at the store so Monkey insisted on taking a picture of the woo-woo for GMac.

After dinner and baths and bed I watched the Indians and then, you guessed it, the Great British Baking Show.

We decided to take Sunday slow. The kids and I took a sick day from church and watched Disney parades on YouTube.  Now we're (hopefully) ready for a great week with even greater weather.

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